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April and May I wrote a few blog entries regarding some moulding for a tall case clock. Bill has completed his clock and sent along a few pictures. (As I expect all of you to do.)
Bill spent a significant amount of time on the reproduction of this family heirloom. He certainly wanted to get it right. He went so far as to acquire an original wooden gear mechanism by Silas Hoadley.
Most visiting lay people will take the highlights that the mouldings provide for granted. Visiting woodworkers will be impressed if he ran the moulding profiles in his basement vs. outsourcing it to a local shop.
There is, however, a little secret that we all share: Freud was not responsible for the highlighting of these three cases. Bill did not use stock profiles, generic bits or run-of-the-mill skills. Bill made (most) of the profiles by hand.
Are hollows and rounds faster than router bits? Who cares...
(The original)
The answer, of course, is yes. I can't find a place that will deliver custom knives in less than 15 days. Bill, the first time user, took 4 hours.
Great Job!