Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Guild Night in Haddam Neck (Continued Preparations for NWA 2013)

Last night was guild night in Haddam Neck. Don and Chris Boule are slightly ahead of me. We'll (hopefully) all be ready for our annual trip to the Northeastern Woodworkers' Assoc. 2013 Showcase in March.

After getting shut out for ribbons last year we have all decided to step it up a notch.

Don is making a "Dunlap" inspired highboy.

Chris is making a "Chris" inspired lowboy.

I am making a pie-crust tea table, which has lately taken a back seat to a bed, which has taken a back seat to class preparations. This last picture will give you an idea of the size of Chris' piece.


  1. Amazing work by all the Haddam Neck crew. I'll have to make the trek in March to see the finished pieces. Someday I'll be making furniture that impressive.

  2. Those are fantastic! Makes me feel awkward winning a ribbon for a windsor in the Texas furniture makers show. I think I need to step it up a notch, or two, heck three. Great work.

  3. Hi! I am curious if you attract a lot of traffic to your blog?

    1. Lake,
      I don't have anything to compare it to.

      Are you about to offer me something?

  4. Why haven't you done a demo at the Nwa show. Iam a member and always see you at the show. Last year I talked with you and you inspired to try make a moulding plane myself. I finally bought a set of floats and picked up some quarter sawn beech a couple days ago. Good to hear you will be there this year.


    1. Mike,
      I do demos all day at my booth at the NWA show. Stop by for a few minutes again this year.
